PCOS is a common but complicated hormonal disorder that primarily affects women during their reproductive years. The symptoms can vary but overall, it causes a lot of discomfort and frustration for those who have it. If you have PCOS or know of someone who does - then you know what I’m talking about chile. PCOS symptoms not only have a disruptive effect on the surface as one goes about their day-to-day life, but essentially on a deeper, psychological level too. However, these symptoms don’t have to be a permanent feature in your life.

As we’ll find out, PCOS symptoms can be managed naturally and holistically even to the point of reversing them! Which is exactly what happened to a client of mine, Solia. After years of battling with PCOS symptoms, she has been able to use holistic means in order to reverse those symptoms successfully and started to lead a healthier and more vibrant life! 

So sis, grab your herbal iced-tea, and listen in as we discuss: 

The core signs and symptoms of PCOS The holistic approaches you can take to deal with PCOSSome of the specific tests you can take in order to determine whether or not you have PCOS How being in-tune with your body can be a great help in dealing with those unpleasant symptoms early onAnd more!

So, chile, this episode really is all about hope. Hope of feeling good in your own body, hope of enjoying womanhood and not feeling like it is a punishment that you have grin and bear through. 

So, get a hold of everyone that you know is dealing with PCOS and let them know that healing holistically and feeling the way they want to feel is definitely possible! 

And if you need more support in order to regain your hormonal balance, then get the help and support you need at our Hormone Balancing Academy! Sign up now!

To listen to past shows visit: https://stayingagelessshow.com/


To sign up for a FREE CALL to learn about our Hormone Balancing Academy visit:



To watch my FREE Training the Secret to Resetting Your Hormones: 



Or my Free Training on 6 Major Keys to Determine Your Ideal Diet: 



For more about Esosa E. and the services we provide at Staying Ageless Coaching visit: 
