Chile, this week expect to learn everything you need to know on the chakra system, how your physical, mental and emotional health is affected by your chakras, why eating natural boosts your energy and why unblocking your chakras will help you have a better relationship with yourself and your loved ones.

In this show, I will discuss the origin of chakras and their importance on the body. Later, I will speak to Annika Panotzki, a passionate author and chakra expert, where she will share wisdom from her 17+ year journey, how listening to her body gave her balance in life, and how immersing in nature transformed her harsh inner critic into self-love.  -Xo Raw Girl

Slice up your favorite fruit and settle in boo, prepare to learn about:

The 7 main chakrasWhat is a chakra?How to improve positivity by unblocking your chakraThe best foods to eat to align your chakrasWhich chakra is related to sexualityMore about hormone balancing university programmeWhy stress outweighs any 'good diet'Increasing your intuitionWhy a detox isn't what you think it is

To uncover your most wild and free self girl, book a FREE consultation call with me here:

You can connect with Annika at her website:

 or Find Annika on Instagram at @annikapanotzki

To listen to past shows visit:


To sign up for a FREE CALL to learn about our Hormone Balancing Academy visit:


To watch my FREE Training the Secret to Resetting Your Hormones:


Or my Free Training on 6 Major Keys to Determine Your Ideal Diet:


For more about Esosa E. and the services we provide at Staying Ageless Coaching visit: