After returning home to Perth from time spent over east, I’ve integrated some important lessons I wanted to share in today’s lesson:

Knowing the season that you’re in - Is it expansion or contraction?
Why surrendering and allowing nature to make your decisions is the true path to purpose
Finding & Trusting your path in life
Finding the rhythm of your heart
Finding coherence and oneness

To find your unique path you MUST disconnect from the opinions and teachings of others. Finding your flow is more about getting clear on what you’re not. I’m noticing life is an exploratory process that’s ultimately leading us back home to nature.

If you missed my workshop on HOW TO BUILD A STRONGER RELATIONSHIP WITH YOURSELF, send me a dm or email and I’ll send you the recording.

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This podcast episode, recorded on March 1, 2021, is part of my IGTV series called “Weekly Lessons,” where I chat solo about some of the things I’ve learned over the week. I’ll be releasing these as a video on my Instagram every week, and every Tuesday as a podcast.