“The doorway to the next level of your growth is always right in front of you, the price of entry is your mind.” Often we are looking for the magic pill.⁣ The mind wants a quick fix.⁣ However, the quick fix doesn’t give us growth.⁣ Facing our emotions is short term pain for long term gain.⁣ Knowing what you need based on how you feel requires training.⁣ Training your self-awareness - like training a muscle, it requires commitment, discipline and practice.⁣ Prioritize the training of your self-awareness and you will⁣ become more attuned to what your body needs.⁣ In this episode, I share the practices I use and the distinctions I’ve made that can help speed up this process.⁣


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This podcast episode, recorded on August 24, 2020, is part of my IGTV series called “Weekly Lessons,” where I chat solo about some of the things I learned over the week. I’ll be releasing these as a video on my Instagram every week, and every Tuesday as a podcast.