Transformation is uncomfortable, which is why most people don’t evolve. They get addicted to the comfort zone. They’re afraid to explore their edges. Deep transformation requires a commitment to getting uncomfortable. Trusting the direction life is pulling you is the ultimate test of faith and trust. Life will show you the areas where you need work. Most people are afraid to put in the work; they’re afraid to get uncomfortable; they’re dependant on external comforts. I invite you to look at the stories you create that get in your way of doing the inner and outer work. Underneath those stories is your opportunity to become free. Now is the time.


If you’re not sure what work you need to do, or you want some extra support - send me a DM, let’s chat.


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This podcast episode, recorded on August 9, 2020, is part of my IGTV series called “Weekly Lessons,” where I chat solo about some of the things I've learned over the week. I’ll be releasing these as a video on my Instagram every week, and every Tuesday as a podcast.