Emily Strange (@emilyystrange_) is a 23-year-old Perth local, who recently shared her journey from alcoholism to sobriety in her blog, ‘A Sober Mind.’ In this episode, she joins me to discuss the pressures of drinking in young adulthood, the steps she took to find herself and the importance of building a bridge between the medical world and spirituality.


We explored:

- Emily’s journey from alcoholism to sobriety

- Growing up surrounded by a ‘drinking culture’

- The binary extremes of alcoholism

- Finding life in Acceptance

- Acknowledgement: the first step to recovery

- Diagnosing addiction

- Aiming for progress and not protection

- Emily’s advice on how to start healing your addiction

- Building the bridge between the medical world and spirituality

- Emily’s meditational routine

- Writing a letter to the universe


Connect with Emily on:

- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/emilyystrange_


Connect with me on:

- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/stateshifters/

- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/stateshifters/


And, if you interested in joining my group coaching program, shoot me a direct message on Instagram saying “purpose” and I’ll send you more information.