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Xperience+ Wants To Change How You Watch Sports and Movies ForeverIn 1917, an Italian guy put audio in a movie … more than 100 years later, we are still here.

Fabrizio Gramuglio, CEO and Co-Founder Xperience+


The Founder(s)Fabrizio is the Co-Founder and CEO of Xperience+ ( Fabricio is by training a geneticist, but he found the lab work not really appealing, so he set out on a new path. Fabricio is also a Ted Speaker (

Pedro is the CMO and Co-Founder of Xperience+ (, who is also the founder of the local tech blog Frankfurt Valley (, as well as the community manager of (

Both together manage the local chapter of the singularity university (

 Affiliate LinksIs your startup in need of a bank account in Germany? Try our partner affiliate Penta to open a bank account to shift between crypto and fiat? Try our partner Bitwala with this affiliate link here Why don’t we let life the people around the world the experiences they want – in a very immersive way?

Fabrizio Gramuglio, CEO and Co-Founder Xperience+


The Startup Xperience+ ( is not itself a hardware provider. The company offers on its app a marketplace for companies to join the Internet of Senses and use the protocols of Xperience+ for this.

Part of the offer will also be a Library of Senses, in which experiences can be stored and retrieved at will.


We are working on letting fans experience their favorite game from the perspective of a player – with all five senses. It will be totally immersive.

Pedro Ferreira, CMO and Co-Founder Xperience+

 The Xperience+ AppThe app is currently not available to the public. Currently, the app is in closed beta status. They are working on the library and the option to stream videos. We will let you know when the app is available.


We are working on disrupting the “old” audio and video media and bring in all the five senses.

Fabrizio Gramuglio, CEO and Co-Founder Xperience+

 Venture Capital FundingXperience+ has already raised a seed investment of 500.000 €. They are open to additional external investors.


If this works guys, you will put every diet out of business, since people can taste everything, without gaining the calories.

Joe Menninger, CEO and Founder on Xperience+


Audio PodcastYou can subscribe to our podcasts here


Further Readings / Additional ResourcesNothing to see here 😊


FeedbackReach out to us, here is our audience survey, to give us feedback, suggest topics, interview partners or just to say “Hallo!”


The InterviewerThis interview was conducted by Jörn “Joe” Menninger, startup scout, founder and host of Reach out to him:





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