EWOR Wants to Make Entrepreneurship Training Fit for the 21st Century 

Entrepreneurship is one of the most complex things in the world … you don’t know what you don’t know.

Daniel Dippold, Founder EWOR

 The FounderDaniel Dippold (https://www.linkedin.com/in/danieldippold/) has been an entrepreneur for some time, but he is also active in societies and education, furthering entrepreneurship. He is also the President of Europe’s arm of the Kairos Society (https://kairoshq.com/). Before all of that and during this he studied at several universities, including Columbia University in New York, Cambridge University in UK and in Switzerland University of St. Gallen.


There is sooo much upside potential in the way we teach …

Daniel Dippold, Founder EWOR


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Unicorn startups is never the perfect measure, it is just a financial figure

Daniel Dippold, Founder EWOR

 The Audio InterviewYou can subscribe to our podcasts here


Further Readings / Additional Resources 

Kairos Society https://kairoshq.com/



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The InterviewerThis interview was conducted by Jörn “Joe” Menninger, startup scout, founder and host of Startuprad.io. Reach out to him:





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