Today’s guest is Tarin Calmeyer, founder of Remote Team Wellness, a company that strives to reduce stress in the workplace. In what is truly a sign of the times, they offer their wellness and meditation classes through video conferences. While we’ve talked a lot about how companies have had to pivot to a post-Covid environment, this is the first company we’ve featured to have been born out of the lockdown. Tarin recognized that just because companies weren’t all working under one roof didn’t mean that she couldn’t offer her services to keep morale and mental wellbeing high. If anything, the prevalence of video conferences meant that she could reach a much wider audience than ever before. This is truly a prime example of finding the silver lining in a dark cloud.

Listen in as we cover everything from why Tarin strives to do everything with intention, why she teaches that movement, mindfulness, and emotional intelligence are the three tenets to wellness, and she also leads us through a meditation session that is sure to leave you centered and relaxed.