This week we welcome Jason Bronstad, CEO of MALK Organics, to the podcast.

Jason is a seasoned CPG professional with 20+ years of experience in the food and beverage industry. With a successful background at leading companies like Sara Lee and Jimmy Dean, Bronstad joined MALK in 2020 as a consultant and quickly rose to CEO in June 2021. Under his leadership, MALK has experienced significant growth, becoming the fastest-growing plant-based milk brand in 2022. Bronstad's mission is to expand MALK's consumer base by educating people on its health benefits as the top alternative milk option. His personal journey towards a healthier lifestyle fuels his passion for promoting wellness.


In this episode, you'll discover:

Jason's CEO journey and his strategies for steering MALK Organics to success.

How MALK is pioneering the premium segment of plant-based milks.

Insights from Jason's failures and the valuable lessons learned.

The transformative influence of TikTok on consumer information-seeking behavior.