To quote Arnold Schwarzenegger: “big dreams require relentless focus, and any time we spend planning for failure sets us up for failure.” Today’s guest, Matt Higgins, literally wrote the book on the subject. He grew up in poverty in Queens, dropped out of high school to get his GED, and took night classes just to finish college. At that point, Matt had already beaten the odds, but he didn’t stop there. Matt became the youngest press secretary to the mayor’s office in New York City history, Vice Chairman of the Miami Dolphins, and a guest shark on Shark Tank. His path to success was hardly linear, but for Matt, it’s always been about taking calculated risks, which is why he titled his book Burn the Boats. In todays episode we discuss with Matt Higgins about:

🦈 Why his first impression of Gary Vaynerchuck was that he could make a career out of stealing Gary’s ideas

🦈 Letting his nerves almost get the best of him during his first appearance on Shark Tank

🦈 Why you should always bet on the jockey and not the horse