(Gary Ware) is the Co-Founder and Chief Strategy Officer at (Tower33 Digital), a digital advertising agency that focuses on helping small brands drive results and be seen online. He is a dynamic, qualified, and goal-oriented Online Marketing Professional with over ten years of extensive experience providing key support to professionals, including colleagues and customers, and providing team management. Gary recently gave a talk on how to live an amazing life by using the acronym S.A.V.E.R.S.

If there was something that you can do, that would almost be the elixir of life. Where if you did it everyday and took it as a magical pill, and it will give you what you need to thrive.

To live your best life.

Wouldn’t you want to do that?

Studies show that if you commit to something like this during the first part of your day, it’s going to give you the mental energy to get through the day.

Here Are The Steps
Meditation or prayer. When we are moving at 120 miles per hour, we hardly get a moment to ourselves. Meditating for about 10 minutes every morning and really focusing on your breathing, allows us to calm and center ourselves.

A good app to use for meditation is (Headspace).

Think about a time when you are really stressed out, and you think to yourself that you can’t do it. You’re actually telling your brain that you can’t do it. And that’s an affirmation. It would be better to tell your brain something more uplifting and is going to help you get the things that you want.

You can say something like, “I thrive to be ______ a little bit more every day.”

Try to take a moment and think about what you need to get done TODAY, and really visualize yourself achieving those goals.

Bonus tip:
Break down your goals by what you want to get done that month. Write a letter to yourself as if it was the first day of the next month and you have achieved those goals. Not only say what you have achieved, but say what the feeling was like when you achieved those goals.

All you need is a few minutes of physical activity to get you going throughout the day. This could be simple as doing jumping jacks or pushups to get the blood flowing.

Read a minimum of 10 pages a day. You’d be surprised how many books you will read. Look at the goals that you want to achieve this year. Now look at the skills you need to acquire those goals. Now find the books and audios that you need to get that knowledge.

Write 3 things that you are grateful for. This is to train you to see the good things in life. When you start looking for the things that bring you joy in life, you don’t have time to see the negative things.

Mentions (Bot Joy): A tiny (and sometimes giant) robot army programmed to bring you joy (Pencils of Promise): We’re a global community that believes everyone deserves access to quality education. We’re reshaping the landscape of education guided by our 100% PROMISE.

RECOMMENDED RESOURCE OR APP (Evernote): The work space for your life’s work


RECOMMENDED BOOKS () (The Miracle Morning: The Not-So-Obvious Secret Guaranteed to Transform Your Life (Before 8AM)) ()...

Gary Ware is the Co-Founder and Chief Strategy Officer at Tower33 Digital, a digital advertising agency that focuses on helping small brands drive results and be seen online. He is a dynamic, qualified, and goal-oriented Online Marketing Professional with over ten years of extensive experience providing key support to professionals, including colleagues and customers, and providing team management. Gary recently gave a talk on how to live an amazing life by using the acronym S.A.V.E.R.S.

If there was something that you can do, that would almost be the elixir of life. Where if you did it everyday and took it as a magical pill, and it will give you what you need to thrive.

To live your best life.

Wouldn’t you want to do that?

Studies show that if you commit to something like this during the first part of your day, it’s going to give you the mental energy to get through the day.

Here Are The Steps

Meditation or prayer. When we are moving at 120 miles per hour, we hardly get a moment to ourselves. Meditating for about 10 minutes every morning and really focusing on your breathing, allows us to calm and center ourselves.

A good app to use for meditation is Headspace.


Think about a time when you are really stressed out, and you think to yourself that you can’t do it. You’re actually telling your brain that you can’t do it. And that’s an affirmation. It would be better to tell your brain something more uplifting and is going to help you get the things that you want.

You can say something like, “I thrive to be ______ a little bit more every day.”


Try to take a moment and think about what you need to get done TODAY, and really visualize yourself achieving those goals.

Bonus tip:

Break down your goals by what you want to get done that month. Write a letter to yourself as if it was the first day of the next month and you have achieved those goals. Not only say what you have achieved, but say what the feeling was like when you achieved those goals.


All you need is a few minutes of physical activity to get you going throughout the day. This could be simple as doing jumping jacks or pushups to get the blood flowing.


Read a minimum of 10 pages a day. You’d be surprised how many books you will read. Look at the goals that you want to achieve this year. Now look at the skills you need to acquire those goals. Now find the books and audios that you need to get that knowledge.


Write 3 things that you are grateful for. This is to train you to see the good things in life. When you start looking for the things that bring you joy in life, you don’t have time to see the negative things.


Bot Joy: A tiny (and sometimes giant) robot army programmed to bring you joy

Pencils of Promise: We’re a global community that believes everyone deserves access to quality education. We’re reshaping the landscape of education guided by our 100% PROMISE.


Evernote: The work space for your life’s work



The Miracle Morning: The Not-So-Obvious Secret Guaranteed to Transform Your Life (Before 8AM)

The Happiness Advantage: The Seven Principles of Positive Psychology That Fuel Success and Performance at Work

The 4-Hour Workweek: Escape 9-5, Live Anywhere, and Join the New Rich (Expanded and Updated)

Creativity, Inc.: Overcoming the Unseen Forces That Stand in the Way of True Inspiration

What is one startup life hack you’ve discovered?

Fail quickly. Fail often



Twitter @garyware @tower33digital

Meetup Group – Recess San Diego



Selfie Challenge

Take a selfie with 7 people that you think would say no to you. Let’s get out of our comfort zone! Comment below if you want to participate.


Giveaway! Enter here

1st Place (3 Winners):

Join Rommel Cabal, Derric Haynie, and two of your peers for a Mastermind session where we talk about your life and business goals and help you step up your game.

Valued at $150


2nd Place:

Your own copy of these books:

“The Lean Startup” “Traction” and “The 4 Hour Work Week”

If you’re a Startup Life Hacks listener, than you know that practically every entrepreneur has read these books. They are so crucial to getting your business off the ground.

Valued at $44!


3rd Place:

“4 Hour Work Week”

The #1 most recommended book by Startup Life Hacks guests.

Valued at $13!

Thank You for Listening!

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