This past Saturday, I went to see Bill Clinton speak at the Canadian National Exhibition (CNE), or as the locals call it, the EX.  Whatever you think of Bill Clinton, and whatever your political views are, he said some things during his speech that every entrepreneur should hear. Though he attended the funeral for Ted […]

This past Saturday, I went to see Bill Clinton speak at the Canadian National Exhibition (CNE), or as the locals call it, the EX.  Whatever you think of Bill Clinton, and whatever your political views are, he said some things during his speech that every entrepreneur should hear.

Though he attended the funeral for Ted Kennedy earlier that day, he still honored his commitment and flew up to Toronto.  The speech was entitled, Embracing Our Common Humanity, and in it he talked about his Foundation and the admirable things they are doing around the world; dispensing AIDS medicine, and addressing climate change.  Of course, he talked about Health-care Reform.   The things that stick in my mind most though, were some things he said at the end.  He sat down and answered a few questions.  I have no idea where they came from, but in answering the last question he addressed the “young people” in the audience.  He spoke about how he arrived at the decision to go into politics in the first place, and about following your passion.  I’m sure he has told this story thousands of times, but it seemed spontaneous and sincere, and for me, inspiring.

“Try to find something you care about. Most of us love doing what we are best at, but better to do something you care about.”

About how lucky most of us are, he candidly said,

“Keep in mind that if you have any options for what you do in your life, ANY options, you are in a group of not more than one or two percent of all the people who have ever walked across planet earth.”

He’s a much better speaker than I am, so I think you should hear the audio from the last five minutes of Bill Clinton’s speech in his own words.  I apologize for the audio quality.  I recorded it on the spur of the moment with my iPhone.  I cleaned up the recording as well as I could, and it’s only 5 minutes, so you can handle it.  I think you’ll be glad you did.

Picture of Bill Clinton at the CNE by Canadian National Press

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So what do you think?  Are you crafting your business to provide the lifestyle you want?