In this episode of Startup Daddy , I answer questions from YOU.  I really want to help you get your businesses started, and one of the ways I back that up with action is to invite you to send me your questions.  I want this to be a conversation, not a lecture.  A lot of […]

In this episode of Startup Daddy , I answer questions from YOU.  I really want to help you get your businesses started, and one of the ways I back that up with action is to invite you to send me your questions.  I want this to be a conversation, not a lecture.  A lot of people say that, but I mean it.

You send me your questions via email, leaving comments here, or by responding to my email newsletter.  I read and answer every one of them personally.  So I thought I would make an episode from some of the questions about topics that I am asked about often.  I hope it helps you move your business forward.

Some of the links I refer to in this episode:

Productivity Books I Like:

Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity, by David Allen
Seven Habits of Highly Effective People
Zen To Done: The Ultimate Simple Productivity System, by Leo Babauta (ebook)

Business Registration Services:

(These are affiliate links- I make a few dollars if you go to LegalZoom from my link, and actually make a purchase)

Legal Zoom- Trademark Research and Registration Service
Legal Zoom- LLC Registration Service (Corporation Registration too)

Screen Capture Software:

Jing– Free
Camtasia Studio– Paid App with many more features and flexibility.  There is a free trial, though.

Listen here:

DOWNLOAD the Mp3 of this episode.

So how about you?  Do you have a question I can answer to move your business forward?