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Jennifer Loehding talks to Sara Deacon, an adulting coach, about coaching young adults to own their future and follow their passions. They discuss the challenges of working with teenagers and the importance of building healthy relationships. Sarah also shares tips on finding harmony during early adulthood, the importance of parents doing their own work, and balancing motherhood and entrepreneurship with family involvement and clear communication.

Key Points
• Coaching rather than consulting helps young adults explore their thoughts, feelings, and direction.
• Young adults are resistant to adults telling them what to do, which is why coaching is crucial. • Parents need to communicate with coaches and therapists who are working with their kids.
• It's important to recognize that your child is still developing, and that they need support, even as they push you away.
• Involve your family in your business goals to create accountability and a shared reward system.
• Strive for harmony in your life by recognizing where to put your time and energy.
• Accept that there will always be give and take and an ebb and flow in your life.

Best Quotes
05:47 - 05:56 "Yes. Yeah. That's really important, especially when connecting with young people cuz they are very resistant to maybe somebody telling them what to do."

09:25 - 09:45 "They're going through things that I've never gone through. So yeah, I can still help because I can get them clarifying their thoughts, their feelings, their direction, what they might wanna explore or play with or, you know, questioning some of the stories that maybe they're telling that aren't necessarily true."

09:45 - 09:58 "The big one, you know, we all know it when we're teenagers, it's the end of the world if I don't x, Y, or Z right? It's the end of the world. Right? Right. And actually getting into that and saying, okay, why, why would it be the end of the world?"

10:04 - 10:16 "They can get there, they can articulate and think through things really, really well. And I, I just love learning from them cuz they come up with things that I never would've thought of."

12:39 - 12:44 "There is an element of coaching of the parents generally with a lot of the people I work with."

15:39 - 15:43 "They're figuring out who they really are and who they wanna be."

27:17 - 27:21 "If we look for right to find harmony in our lives, then we can prioritize."
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