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Tracy Cromwell is an Integrative Nutrition Health Coach, the author of three books, a speaker, and the creator and host of her podcast "Your Personal Journey with Food." Having been diagnosed as a Type 2 Diabetic, Tracy was a yoyo dieter but did not want to let that diagnosis define her. Through her journey, she improved her health, went back to school, and decided to use her story to help put the power back into the hands of her clients.

We open this episode with Tracy talking about her journey and the defining moment when her doctor gave her a personal note freeing her to move past her limiting beliefs and the need to please others. She talks about how she is helping her clients and the importance of letting go to improve. We talk about making room for learning and the necessity for adding creativity to our lives. We discuss integration and how our beliefs and choices impact all areas of our lives. Tracy shares a bit about her latest book, her podcast, and we finish with some rapid-fire questions. Tracy lives her life on her terms and says there are no accidents.

You can learn more about Tracy at her website

These are our friends. These are your friends. AND they are living the extraordinary. #riseup #beamazing #beyoudoyou

For a transcript of this episode, go to