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Dr. Rob Bell is a sports psychology coach, speaker, and author of seven books on mental toughness. He is also the host of the podcast "15 Minutes of Mental Toughness." Dr. Rob has spoken to numerous organizations, including the NFL, NSCA, PGA, Marriott, and Walgreens. He has published over a dozen journal articles featured in publications such as ESPN, The Golf Channel, and Runner's World.

We open this episode with Dr. Rob talking about how a hinge moment led him to pursue psychology in school and developed his passion for helping others. He follows that up by elaborating on hinge moments and how they offer the opportunity to grow. He talks about his latest book, "PUKE AND RALLY," and the inspiration behind it, and he provides some excellent advice for anyone going through a difficult situation. We finish up with some fun rapid-fire questions focused on mentors and life lessons.

Dr. Rob reminds us that it only takes one person or one opportunity to lead us to who we become and that every tragedy is a hinge moment.

You can learn more about Dr. Rob and see his work by visiting

These are our friends. These are your friends. AND they are living the extraordinary. #riseup #beamazing #beyoudoyou

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