Rob Phelan, is an entrepreneur, high school personal finance teacher and math teacher in Maryland. He has a passion for helping to create a more financially literate society, and to help break the cycle of high levels of debt and stress that come with uneducated decision-making with regards to money. Rob has co-created the ChooseFI K-12 Financial Literacy and Financial Independence Curriculum, which you can find at, and this is free for educators to use in their own classrooms.
Rob is also the author of The Simple StartUp: A Beginner’s Guide To Starting A Business ( and he enjoys mentoring young entrepreneurs as they start and grow their own businesses. Rob’s current businesses include a tutoring company ’Frederick Math Tutors’ and a Teachers Pay Teachers store where he posts financial literacy resources for teachers. You can find his store under the username FI Educator.
Rob and his family are on the path to Financial Independence, which they pursue through the principles of: earn more, spend less, invest the difference, and enjoy the journey.