-Our guest in this episode is Dana Augustine, a Sobriety Mentor and Advocate who started drinking alcohol in the eighth grade and stopped a year ago when it threatened to ruin her marriage 

-She shares her story about blacking out at her sister's birthday party which was the last straw for her husband because she had broken so many promises to him

-Dana explains what it was like to grow up in a place that might as well be called "Budweiser, USA" within a family that has a history of alcohol abuse

-We discuss how difficult it can be when you are ready to change your life, but your loved ones push back, don't understand, and even block your calls

-She urges anyone listening who is considering making a big change to just take it one day at a time. How can you make today your best day? 

Links mentioned in this episode:

Dana's Instagram:


Rebecca's Website:


Rebecca's Instagram:
