Tune in to hear:

 - As one of the founders of the discipline of financial therapy, what light can Dr. Archuleta shed on the origin story of this unique discipline?

- What are the lines of demarcation between financial planning, financial therapy and traditional therapy? Should financial planners look to make referrals, when necessary, for financial therapists or is this a largely academic discipline?

- What’s a concrete example of a concern that is out of the scope of a traditional financial advisor’s practice but not necessarily appropriate for a psychologist either?

- What is solution-focused therapy and why did Dr. Archuleta find it to be particularly instrumental in a study she was doing?

- How can we encourage people to be a little more thoughtful about their goal setting process?

- What is “fuzzy trace theory” and what is its relationship to risk tolerance?


Compliance Code: 1047-OAS-6/15/2022