Tune in to hear:

- A criticism that sometimes crops up is: what if this advisor didn’t sign up to be a therapist? What would Ashley say to this critique and what is the baseline set of therapeutic skills necessary for the average advisor?

- When should a financial advisor make a referral to a mental health practitioner?

- What is circular questioning and what is an example of where an advisor might apply this technique?

- From a high level perspective, what is the notion of “stages of change readiness?”

- When a client is in a pre-contemplative stage of change, what can an advisor do to help encourage them toward greater readiness? 

- Is there some sort of thought exercise you can give a client that’s in the pre-contemplative stage of change to sort of catalyze a new way of thinking?

- What’s the danger of trying to move someone through the stages of change too quickly?

- What does it mean to be “trauma informed” and why might advisors want to be aware of this?

- Where should we draw the line between individual autonomy and secrecy in regards to finances in a relationship? When does this become financial infidelity?



Compliance Code: 1871-OAS-10/10/2022

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