The world has endlessly talked about gun control in the United States, the possible reforms and the fact that if the nation doesn't reach a consensus on these reforms we hit a dead end. I remember watching an episode of The Real and Jeannie Mai had said when she enters a location she makes note of where the exists are due to these mass shootings. It got me thinking about the rest of the American population, is there a longing for safety now ever since mass shootings started to increase? I came across heartbreaking stories which I had to speak on and share.  The United States like many other countries have had the unfortunate event of mass shootings; however, when year after year the number of mass shootings and the number of days in the year are almost the same number it makes you question where are we going to end up? What is being done to decrease the rate at which these firearms are being used. 

The majority of the people listening to the Stallion podcast is living or from the United States my heart goes out to anyone that lives in fear of maybe not living to see another day due to this sort of violence. You're not alone, many people are longing for safety. Keep doing marches, keep fighting for changes in the law because only through the people can we change these atrocities. 

 Links to Relevant Information Used & Interesting Articles: c Tips on Managing Anxiety after Mass Shootings: 

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