In a way, all of us are time travelers. If we just pause and close our eyes, we can wander back to our childhood dreams, our failures, and all our first and best experiences that went on forever. But how can we make these thoughts and feelings work for us, and what can we learn from them?

In this podcast, Cassandra discusses how, when, and why you can get quiet enough in your life to start connecting the dots and realize how everything makes so much sense. She emphasizes that the roadmap and the blueprint have always been there.

However, Cassandra admits that things can be really hard in the moment, especially when talking about bad stories. We can get stuck in the victim mode. This isn’t really negative; this just proves to be human and how we naturally progress from time to time.  Cassandra stresses that we truly begin living when we cast aside victim mentality and truly become masters of our own lives.

As the podcast continues, Cassandra mentions labeling our thoughts and emotions. She believes that doing this allows us to see the real issue at hand and accept it. Some things may be messier than others, but labeling them clearly can help build a roadmap to address the problem.

Nostalgic work as it may seem,  Cassandra recognizes that pulling the past forward to the present and labeling them can help to energize, move forward, and take on new challenges and opportunities life has to offer.

Now, sit back, relax, and listen in!


Acknowledge the feelings.Give a deeper understanding of what happened in your past.Learn how to label your emotions to reduce physiological distressBring your reaction under control.Discover the possibilities for what to do next.Cast aside victimhood and be your own champion.


“Start looking at our paths, looking at how they intertwine, and looking at the labels that we assign them because everything is neither good nor bad. It has to do with the label we assign them.” - Cassandra Shuck

“We are no longer taking things that someone passed to us and just accepting them as fact. But we are creating our own facts, and that's the blueprint of our life.” - Cassandra Shuck

“Taking radical responsibility and what your life looks like are scary and uncomfortable as shit. But guess what, this is what we're meant to do.” - Cassandra Shuck