Establish the light spirit in your life and have the freedom to choose what works for you and not without hard-and-fast rules! In this podcast, Dmitria shares how to establish a spiritual but not too religious-centered practice while discovering the possibilities of the Universe in finding your own self!

A luminance and shamanic healer, Dmitria shares her journey from leaving her religious community and finding her own spirituality. She shares her experience of being active in the church community and eventually leaving because the church doesn’t welcome her anymore due to the patriarchy in the parish and diocese.

Knowing her middle school age is filled with awkwardness, she struggles with fitting in. This leads her to withdraw from social activities in school and spends most of her time alone. It benefits her in some ways as she does a good job processing what that meant to her and how it impacts her development.

Dmitria emphasizes that everything that happens in our life is intentional and precisely perfect. One just needs to take the lesson for every moment and see how perfect it is whether you are last, late, or whatever. Remember that all the things occurring in your life are part of the unfolding.

Don’t just let life happen to you and stay disappointed with how things are! Check out her authored book, Finding Out Life Within, as this allows you to live with more intention, gives you a chance to improve your reality, and be the author of your own life! It’s a masterclass, workshop, and a journal rolled into one.

Through Dmitria’s luminance coaching, healing, and guiding you to walk through the framework of self-discovery, you get to understand and go through the process of unfolding your life beautifully and perfectly!

You have the power to rediscover and reignite your own light within!

Get more inspired by supporting and listening to our exciting podcast below!

 Key Points:

Connect the lost, forgotten, and undiscovered parts of you.Walkthrough the framework of self-discovery.Enable to have the clarity and courage to know and share the authentic selfLive in a deep connection and proper alignment with the higher self.Unlock a life of fulfillment and ease



“We all look from these people and self-help books, guides, and leaders, and etc. but what really happens in the most part is that the answers come from our internal source which we’re also often disconnected from.”– Cassandra Shuck

“No one has the right answer. No one has the right path to get there. But, getting as much understanding on how other people have done it will help you confine your way.” – Dmitria Burya

“This idea that I would just say like yeah let’s go and do it and figure it out. Let’s walk to it to have new experiences, knowledge, and thoughts. It will definitely be a life-changing experience.” – Dmitria Burya

“When we remember, we tend to remember from the last time we recall an instance. We don’t recall from the first instance. So from the ‘truth perspective’, we are getting further and further and further away from the actual truth, the longer we hold onto it.”- Cassandra Shuck


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