Recently, there has been a lot of conversation about finding out your gifts, and Cassandra Shuck has been hearing from different people seeking to know what their gifts are. They particularly want to know to discover their gifts and use them in their lives. So how do we do that?

First of all, Cassandra thinks that it’s important that we have these conversations in light of the idea of different questions to ask ourselves. Some questions Cassandra recommends finding out what your gifts include:

1) If you could change one thing about the world, what would it be?

For her, it’s about changing the metric for women entrepreneurs to have the money that not only they deserve but could actually turn around and create an impact on their lives.

2) What do you understand more about people?

Cassandra shares that she understands the animals so well. She has some people that she worked with that understand, kind of uncovering their meaning and really digging down deep in their story so well. 

3) What bores you or makes you feel tired, or makes you feel forced into doing it?

For Cassandra, she loves the process of dissecting people's businesses, getting into their heads, getting into their mindset, seeing what makes them tick, seeing what makes their clients convert getting their client’s heads in space. But for her, it's the process that she loves. It's not necessarily the outcome. 

4) What is it that brings you joy? What is it that brings you the most satisfaction? 

Cassandra asks here what satisfies you at a deep soul level. She’s not just talking temporarily but deep soul-level gratification.  Identifying what drives us the most is a major component of gift identification.

5) What is the happiest day of your life?

She’s not talking about the time she met her spouse or time she got married or met her partner or whatever the case may be, you’ve had a baby. 

Cassandra thinks of deeper than milestones. Like how do you live that out? What is it that you're doing? Where is it that you're going? Are you traveling? Are you staying still? Are you reading? What is the happiest day of your life? 

6) What values do you have that you are not willing to compromise on? 

So often get into business because we're not willing to compromise on a value that we find out only later on in the business. So we have to bend; we have to compromise; we have to shift. 

Do you want to know more?

Start believing, digging, and uncovering what your gift is by listening to our podcast below!

Key points:

Rediscover your passion.Motivate yourself to get your day-to-day tasks done.Want to have personal and professional growth.Achieve results.Share knowledge, experiences, skills, and talents with others out there.

Tweetable quotes:

“I'm aware of my value levels so that I'm able to create these boundaries from protection and from a love perspective.” - Cassandra Shuck

“I believe that everyone has something true to themselves that they understand.” - Cassandra Shuck

“I love the fact that my clients are making money and their businesses are growing, and they're getting to live out what their true dharma is.” - Cassandra Shuck

“I am not willing to compromise my time with family. It's just a non-negotiable for me.” - Cassandra Shuck