Coincidences, synchronicities, synergies aren’t always worked by the universe, oftentimes it’s you embodying it. Today’s guest, Monica Canducci, believes in a much bigger picture than coincidences, where alignment and reflections are key players.  

Monica’s work revolves around activations - the mind and body connection. She is an author, Embodied Spirituality teacher, and Transformational Life Coach. To add, she is also the creator of the Move-In Mind™ method and of The Sacred Body™ Program. From her spiritual teachers and healers, she passes on her knowledge through videos, audios, or whatever platform to help women in their life transitions.

The coaching space has so many buzzwords like manifestation, alignment, abundance that you seem to be talked about in one perspective, but Monica shifts us to another perspective which is the embodiment perspective. Monica shares with us her experiences the very first time she showed interest in the line of work she’s in today. Back in the days, she was also a performer, an artist, we hear the significant experiences she had during those times. Further into the episode, Monica and Cassandra dive deeper into embodiment and its importance. 

Disclaimer: No Uranuses were hated on during this episode. Curious what this is about? Well, you’ll have to keep on listening.

Key Points From This Episode

Know Monica’s own belief about coincidencesHear about one her very beautiful and significant experience as a performerMonica and Cassandra discuss about the importance of being embodiedBacktrack with Monica to learn how she got into her line of workMonica talks about the recent book she wrote - The Sacred Body


“I feel like a lot of people will say coincidence, and they'll say synchronicity, and they'll say synergies. But what they're not realizing is that you have to be embodied, you have to be present, you have to be aware and take enough pause to realize that these things are happening for you, not to you.” [0:02:41]  -Cassandra Shuck

“Our whole lives are a process of coming home to ourselves and what we're supposed to do.” [0:22:23]  -Cassandra Shuck

“The way we, as human kind, exploit nature is the way we exploit our inner resources and it’s not good.. It’s because we are deeply disconnected from nature and from our bodies.” [0:25:23]  -Monica Canducci

“Our subconscious will never let go of something if, before trying to let go, we don't build something that is more functional.” [0:26:14]  -Monica Canducci

“It's these labels and these doubts of intuition that we put on ourselves that we have to do more with the polarity that we see versus the actual item itself.” [0:31:12]  -Cassandra Shuck

“It’s not just about visualizing, imagining. It’s really about embodying that change.”  [0:40:34]  -Monica Canducci

Mentioned links

Monica Canducci

Cassandra Shuck