Ditch your money blocks, own your worth, and get into that next level you’ve been waiting for! If you’re a full-time entrepreneur, a side hustler, a newbie starting your own thing, or simply someone who just wants to get into the next level, then you know there is this poor money mindset that you need to break up, so it will hold you back no more. In this podcast, Erin gives tips on shifting that mental space to get desirable results.

 A Money Mindset Mentor and Soul Fire Ignitirix, Erin spends many years coaching women who want to succeed in their business. Among the very common issues, she encounters those who never feel they are having enough. Erin believes that each person just needs to ease the anxieties that lurk in their minds and push them more until they succeed. In her practice, Erin adds shamanic work to help further clients discover what holds them back from living their best and wealthy lives.

Erin emphasizes that when people embody a proper money mindset, the financial life flows towards the energy they give it. This means when one focuses on believing, making, and having more than enough money, one will start living in abundance.

 As the podcast continues, she shares her experience before her college days. They were living enough, but comparing her life to people with varying financial statuses made her feel unhappy because of the huge discrepancy. Only later she realizes that when you focus on lack and scarcity, then that will be your sole experience.

 Erin insists that anyone can get to the things they want without too much pressure. The thing is you have to believe that you are in control of your money and you will get there. But if you think you will mess up, then you will never hit your numbers.

 Now sit comfortably and listen in!

 Key Points:

Change your mindset about money.Uncover the self-limiting beliefs and money blocks.Get comfortable with your fears.Focus on the things you can control.Set the right intentions and keep goals in shifting your money story.


“If there is something that your heart is calling you out to do or just feel that something is so aligned and right and you know you need to be there, then you got to do it and put the money forward” – Erin Newman


“You don’t have to worry of the things you think you have to worry about as they are causing more harm than good” – Erin Newman


 “I get to choose my thoughts about money, like I can choose how I feel about this and that I don’t have to worry about it anymore. Even if the money is running out, I still get to choose whether I need to worry about that or not” – Erin Newman


 “No matter where you are, there is a next level, and getting into that next level requires you need shifting your money story because otherwise you wouldn’t be there.” – Erin Newman