Selena in a corset and Hillary in chicken shoes talk 200 episodes live in front of people in Toronto. Poetic.
Brought to you By: The Sonar Network

Well, here it is everyone…. two hundred episodes! Looking back this seems like a lot. And also, not much at all!

We taped this live at the Toronto Soundwave Summit in from of a live audience and got to hang out with some other cool podcasters. It made us feel so cool! But also, like, fishy. Cuz it’s pride right? So…. um? But we’ll take it.

Selena and Hillary talk about what this pod has been, where we wanna go with it, and also come up with a whole new improvised song to end the show. It was live. So drag. Anyways, thank you for supporting, listening, and being with us through over 7 years and 200 episodes of Squirrel Talk!

Brought to you By: The Sonar Network