Hillary and Selena hit Toronto Comic Con 2024 with the and improvise a fanfic on the spot in THE FANFIC WE JUST WROTE JUST NOW!
Brought to you By: The Sonar Network https://thesonarnetwork.com/

Oh hey everybody! Squirrel Talk once again was asked to grace the stage and present their crazy improv podcast the FANFIC WE JUST WROTE JUST NOW at the Toronto ComicCon, and that recording is what we have for you today!

Be prepared for a journey through nonsense and fandom, involving a time travelling Dr Who, Mario, and various characters from Buffy the Vampire Slayer as they make their way from the Bronze to an Airplane in Brampton.

May we present to you WHO’S WHO DR WHO! (or at least I think that was the title…).

And can you believe??? Episode 200 is next? What will we doooooo???

Brought to you By: The Sonar Network