Dov Baron has been speaking internationally for over 30 years, he’s the man with a finger on the pulse of the evolving world of NextGen leadership. One of Inc. Magazine’s Top 100 Leadership Speakers to hire, Dov Baron is a master storyteller! Considered by many as the leading authority on Authentic Leadership, and the founder of Full Monty Leadership and The Authentic Speaker Academy for Leadership.

Outside of his speaking and training Dov works with multi-disciplinary leaders and executive teams to build the bonds that create organizational cultures that become Fiercely Loyal. He also writes for and has been featured in many industry magazines including being featured on CNN, CBS Small Business Pulse, SHRM, Yahoo Finance, Boston Globe, Business in Vancouver, USA today, CEO, Entrepreneur and many more.

Dov begins by sharing his unique experience of a massive “imperfect” action he took and this is a story you don’t want to miss! Dov’s stories and experiences will have you thinking about your own biases and how they are impacting your business. In fact, your employees and sales force may be demonstrating similar biases that could be stopping your business from moving forward. Listen to this week’s episode to get some unique ideas from Dov on how to address these biases and remove the roadblock in your business.  

You can also get in touch with Dov and find out more about his work through his website and the following social media platforms:

Website: Twitter: @TheDovBaron Facebook: Dov Baron Leadership LinkedIn: Dov Baron YouTube: Dov Baron's Full Monty Leadership

You can get Dov’s latest book, Fiercely Loyal - How High Performing Companies Develop and Retain Top Talent, here.


Conference Highlight

Writer’s Digest Annual Conference

New York City, NY: 18 - 20 August, 2017

SPRH Podcast is sponsored by:


Knight Dik Insurance

Cumulus Global


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