Episode 56: If you LOVE your mother you are probably shit in bed (Harold and Kumar go to SQL)

WARNING: This episode is highly controversial. If you’re a PC snowflake - probably give it a miss.

I’m going to talk about something that’s rarely discussed by sexuality mentors and leaders: The relationship between men and their mothers and how its fucking them up in the bedroom.

For the record - this isn’t a bad thing. It’s simply something you need to be aware of so you can break through it and no longer be held back. In this episode, I’ll reveal:

The real life Harold & Kumar that came to SQL and how they broke through their limits in the bedroom

Why being a nice guy is holding you back from being the best she ever had

The 2 different forms of dominance and which one women crave the most from men

The secret to liberate yourself in your sex life

Plus more

Don’t miss this.

[1:26] The SQL movement for first time listeners

[3:15] Who are Harold and Kumar and how being ‘nice’ affected them

[6:52] The reason behind the name for this episode

[12:06] The 2 different forms of dominance

[13:40] The angel and the devil

[17:58] “The more you suppress something the more it comes out in other areas”

[22:53] “You want to understand a woman for all her sexuality”

[28:46] How to liberate yourself in your sex life

[36:01] Letting out the inner animalistic side to come out

[42:59] Women have more than just 1 aspect to their sexuality

[45:20] Digging deeper into your what your sexual partner really wants