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#108 - How To Attract Amazing Women Though Honesty ft Daniel Jacob
“I don’t feel anything anymore...”

5 words that will hit you when you least expect it

And also the 5 words that have the potential to absolutely shatter your world

You spend days, weeks, months questioning how this could have happened

You did everything right, or at least you think you did

And now she says she feels nothing for you?

If you’ve ever heard those words before from your partner you know how devastating that can be

Well my guest today knows exactly how it felt coming from his first ever girlfriend

And his mistakes were the exact same ones you could be making right now in your own relationship

Daniel created his company Everlasting Confidence to teach guys exactly how to avoid these pitfalls and how to actually become a high value man who attracts high quality women

But the only way this is possible is for you to understand the key principles of his teachings: honest expression and honest action

Without these concepts you are doomed to repeat these mistakes or wind up losing yourself and never being able to fill the empty void growing inside you

If you want to learn to attract beautiful women by bettering yourself and growing your confidence, then this episode is for you

In today’s episode we talk about:
- Daniel’s story
- The 2 fundamental principles: honest expression and honest action
- Why you shouldn’t focus on just getting girls

Check out Andrews Instagram | https://www.instagram.com/andrew_mioch/
Check out the Youtube Channel | http://www.youtube.com/c/SexualQuantumLeap
Learn more about SQL | https://www.sexualquantumleap.com
Facebook Group | https://www.facebook.com/groups/TheSQLgroup/

Daniel’s links:
Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/289630295197201
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/danieljacob2040/
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCU6ZbzGv8PmuMeM-wkARmeQ

[2:08] How Daniel found SQL and dived down the rabbit hole

[5:12] Biggest takeaways with women before and after finding SQL

[7:29] “I can feel again”

[8:41] Why Daniel is a dating coach

[13:11] Inadequacies and feeling like you aren’t enough

[14:15] When you don’t know how to love yourself

[17:34] The distinction of why you are are doing what you do

[18:30] This 1 book caused a huge shift for Daniel

[20:17] The mini awakening that changed everything

[23:55] The process Daniel takes his clients through

[27:10] The relationship to your emotions is what matters

[29:10] Resistance that stops us experience self love

[31:32] The external part: Still have to go out and take action and be a leader

[33:40] The inauthentic approach vs when it comes from the heart

[36:49] The difference between honest expression and being uncalibrated

[40:13] Final thoughts

[43:53] How to contact Daniel