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#105 - Stop Fearing Intimacy By Understanding Your Wounds

Your physical body can be impacted majorly by stress in the nervous system and one of the largest stress inducers are problems in your relationships.

One of the most basic human needs is companionship and connection to another person.

We are brought up with stories of love, soul mates, and happy endings.

But the problem is a lot of us have also grown up with these deep wounds inside of us that only come out when triggered by certain relationship stresses.

There is always the debate about nature vs nurture but these wounds were created and shaped by our own experiences or by modeling the behaviors of the people closest to us.

We see our parents fight, separate, or disappear and we see the toll these conflicts take.

These conflicts haven’t been modeled for us in the best way causing massive wounds and fears inside us.

We can become avoidant, distant, fear love & intimacy, and fear heartbreak so much that we do all we can to prevent this from happening, especially checking out of the relationship before the other person does.

These mummy and daddy issues are very real and shape the way we form relationships and what will trigger us into conflict.

To be able to grow and thrive in a relationship we need to understand these wounds and what triggers us about them.

For that, I have brought on Dr. Nima to talk about the process of healing these wounds and the work he is doing in creating healthier & longer-lasting relationships.

Dr. Nima will take us on his own journey of self-discovery from a hurt little boy, to validation seeking narcissist, to a loving and understanding husband.

In today’s podcast you will learn:
- How we follow the exact same relationship patterns
- Taking you triggers and turn them into deeper self-love
- What to do if you are stuck waiting for “The next best thing”
- Plus tons more

Website: https://drnima.com/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/drnima/

Check out Andrews Instagram | https://www.instagram.com/andrew_mioch/
Check out the Youtube Channel | http://www.youtube.com/c/SexualQuantumLeap
Learn more about SQL | https://www.sexualquantumleap.com
Facebook Group | https://www.facebook.com/groups/TheSQLgroup/

[2:54] How we met

[4:02] The biggest cause of stress

[6:23] How Dr. Nima began healing those emotional wounds

[8:25] Getting into the same relationship patterns

[11:58] The wounds and trauma that we seek to heal with external validation

[15:25] The scariest thing Dr. Nima ever did to start the journey of healing

[16:04] The Truth

[18:07] Back in the day running s*x parties in Melbourne and the reasons why

[19:50] The mountains that you climb

[23:41] How things changed when he met Diana

[25:58] Just a caveat about the dating and sexuality world and views

[27:09] When you act under the control of your impulses

[28:41] Taking your triggers and healing those wounds

[30:59] Prime example of triggers and creating a deeper connection and intimacy

[36:30] Bruised ego’s and how it creates a rift

[40:28] How do you throw yourself in and not wait for something better to come around the corner

[46:50] Final thoughts

[51:47] Best ways to contact Dr. Nima