Today we are looking at lessons learned from a year in review. Join me on a journey of introspection, looking back at the past twelve months. This episode is a treasure hunt for wisdom and insight, where we celebrate our achievements and learn from our regrets. We discuss how to use these reflections as a compass for future choices and growth.

Key Points:

Celebrating Successes: Recognize and appreciate the achievements that have made us proud and happy over the year. Learning from Regrets: Understand that moments of regret are not just about what we missed but are powerful lessons in timing, opportunity, and the courage to act. The Power of Regret: Inspired by Daniel Pink's book, we explore how regret can be a beneficial tool for decision-making, performance improvement, and fostering a sense of meaning. Four Types of Regret: Foundation, Boldness, Moral, and Connection. These categories help us understand and categorize our regrets to learn from them effectively.


Daily Spark: Copy/Paste/Edit this Daily SPARK prompt with your favorite AI tool (I use ChatGPT)

Hi! Im going to share my year in review with you and look forward to your strategies.

Situation: This past year, one of my achievements were [describe a specific achievement], and one thing I regret is [describe a specific regret].

Problem: I feel [describe emotions related to the achievement] about my achievement and [describe emotions related to the regret] about my regret.

Aspiration: I want to use these experiences to [describe what you aspire to do or change next year].

Results: By addressing my regret and building on my achievement, I hope to [describe the positive outcomes you expect].

Can you share 4 strategies to help me get started.


For more insights and inspiration, follow Dr. Sabba Quidwai:

Website: LinkedIn: Dr. Sabba Quidwai Twitter: @askMsQ Instagram: @askMsQ


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