Today's episode of the Daily SPARK focuses on a crucial, yet often overlooked aspect of personal and professional development: the art of reflection. Dr. Sabba Quidwai delves into how transforming our approach to reflection can lead to significant growth and learning, inspired by the research of Amy Edmonson on psychological safety.

Key Topics:

The Importance of Reflection: Understanding reflection not as a focus on failures but as a vital tool for learning from experiences. Psychological Safety: Insights from Amy Edmonson's research, emphasizing the value of a safe environment for open dialogue on failures and ideas. Turning Setbacks into Success: How viewing challenges as opportunities for growth can lead to personal and professional achievements.

Your Daily SPARK: (cut and paste the prompt below into ChatGPT)

Hey ChatGPT, I want to develop the power of reflection. Here's my scenario:

Situation: I recently experienced [specific event or decision].

Problem: This led to [emotions or thoughts about the experience].

Aspiration: I want to reflect on this to learn and grow.

Results: This reflection could help me [how you hope to benefit or grow].

Can you suggest a process or questions for a reflective exercise on this situation?


To learn more connect with Sabba and check out her free class on ChatGPT:

Join Sabba in her free class "3 Steps to Secure Your Career Future with AI". Sign up here. Connect with Sabba Quidwai on LinkedIn. Follow her updates on Twitter and Instagram. Discover more at

Remember, reflection is not just about looking back; it's a forward-moving force that shapes our path to success. Keep reflecting, keep learning, and keep growing!

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