It's a familiar scene: organizations invest in team-building exercises and post-work gatherings to foster a sense of belonging. These proactive efforts are commendable, yet they only scratch the surface of a more profound challenge. True connectivity, it turns out, originates from a place within. In the absence of a well-defined set of core values, establishing profound and authentic relationships becomes an intricate endeavor.

Enter Brant Menswar, a proponent of a values-driven pathway to genuine connections. By delineating one's core values, individuals embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery. This heightened self-awareness lays the groundwork for forging meaningful relationships anchored in transparency and intentionality. In an era dominated by AI, a poignant question emerges: how do we mold our identity amidst the onslaught of technological progress?

Brant delves into this thought-provoking inquiry, advocating for an alignment of AI's influence with human values. He reframes the discourse from one of control to one of amplification, positioning AI as a tool to magnify our values and stimulate growth with purpose.

Education, as a domain, is not untouched by this paradigm shift. Leveraging AI's potential, educators can imbue the educational landscape with core values, bestowing a sense of purpose upon students beyond the academic realm. Brant's quintet of fundamental values—connection, authenticity, integrity, personal growth, and creativity—serve as navigational markers, guiding individuals toward a more enriching existence.

The transition to a process-oriented approach, however, is not without its complexities. Brant addresses these challenges, offering valuable insights on navigating this transformative endeavor. Educators, too, receive counsel on making decisions in alignment with their core values and those of their students, elevating the educational experience.

In a world characterized by swift technological evolution, Brant's counsel stands as a beacon of wisdom. He encourages us to embrace process-oriented objectives, inviting us to weave our values into every facet of life. This expedition leads individuals not merely toward connection but also to a profound sense of purpose, shaping lives of heightened significance.

00:00 Introduction
1:06 Introducing Brant Menswar and his approach to figuring out your values
2:25 Who do you choose to be in a world driven by AI?
4:42 Brent's views on AI as a creator and its values
6:25 Using AI to reframe and amplify your values, not to try to control outcomes
12:2 Amplifying values with AI in educational contexts
14:46 Brant's 5 core values: connection, authenticity, integrity, personal growth, and creativity
22:20 How to actually use these 5 values after identifying them
26:53 Main challenges when transitioning to a process oriented goal pursuit
31:14 How can educators make decisions based on their own core-values as well as their student's
38:19 Brant's advice for making the transition to process oriented goals

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