Join Dr. Holmes as she interviews Beth Golik from Key Ministry on creating a place of worship that welcomes every child. Beth offers practical tips for ministry leaders on how to create a welcoming atmosphere for families with children with hidden disabilities such as autism and tools and strategies that are not cost-prohibitive. From the website to the parking lot to the building accessibility, the place of worship is communicating about its willingness and ability to serve families with different needs. Beth will provide insight, tools, and strategies for serving the family and child with special needs.

Beth Golik is the Operations Director for Key Ministry, an organization that provides knowledge, innovation, and experience to the worldwide church as it ministers to and with families of kids with disabilities. She hosts a monthly Disability Ministry Video Roundtable for ministry leaders and has convened a weekly Idea Share with church leaders across the country during the time of COVID-19. Beth also serves as the special needs ministry director at Bay Presbyterian Church in suburban Cleveland. She has a passion for connecting people to resources through networking and relationship building. You can find her and more about Key Ministry at: