Join Dr. Holmes and Rabbi Kipnes as they discuss inclusion in places of worship that must start with YES. Rabbi speaks about the importance of welcoming everyone and beginning with normalizing instead of pathologizing while creating creative individualized approaches for children with needs or challenges or differences. Rabbi Kipnes gives some practical strategies on inclusion for children on the autism spectrum.

Rabbi Paul Kipnes is the spiritual leader of Congregation Or Ami (Calabasas, CA). He co-wrote with his wife Michelle November, Jewish Spiritual Parenting. He was CCAR Vice President and co-editor of CCAR journal’s New Visions of Jewish Community. He won national awards for social justice, disability inclusion, lifelong learning, innovative worship, interfaith outreach, and best synagogue use of technology. Or Ami created Shmirat Haguf v’Hanefesh: Caring for the Teenage Body, Mind and Spirit, an integrated teen wellness program, and Talking Openly about Drugs: A Community-wide Conversation. Rabbi Kipnes mentored over 45 rabbinic and education students. He blogs at and