Join Dr. Holmes and David Glick as they discuss mental health issues as a result of the current pandemic in the neurotypical population and the neurodivergent population. The Washington Post and New York Times have featured articles with concern for mental health issues and possible crises with the ongoing pandemic? How does this affect special needs populations and their parents? While issues concerning the pandemic are largely outside of one's control, being intentional about mental health and relationship needs while maintaining proper distancing guidelines are crucial for physical and mental health needs. David discusses how social distancing has negatively turned to social isolation which has negative impact on mental health for all people and populations, but for a population with social skills deficits and needs, we must be more intentional in safe ways to provide for relational needs.

Dave Glick is the founder and director of Triad Psyc, P.C., and has been working in the combined fields of behavioral health, special education, and disability services since 1993. Originally trained at Boston University, he has worked as a special education teacher, behavior analyst/specialist, clinical director, and as a disability consultant and advocate. He holds a master's in both education and social work and is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker. Dave founded Triad Psych, p.c. in 2003 to provide valuable resources to the special needs community.