Matt Daniels is the CEO of Unity Group Ventures LLC, a disabled veteran owned and operated company that utilizes drone technology to provide high-quality data to clients in the insurance industry. Matt’s experience flying on aerials platforms allowed him to find ways to merge drone tech, insurance adjusting, and damage assessment. He and his colleagues’ military involvement sets them apart from other companies concerning data collection not just in the insurance industry, but also in architecture, engineering, and large-scale construction.

Matt joins us to share how drone technology can be utilized to accurately and efficiently provide data to insurance professionals, especially in times of crisis. He describes how his military experience lead him to explore his inner entrepreneur, what made him think of applying drones in insurance, and what his company stands for. He shares some of the amazing ways drones can help hasten the process of data collection and claims as well as provide tips on leadership and team management.

“Business is not about sales, profit, and revenue. It's about people. It's people providing value for other people.” - Matt Daniels


Today on Spot On Insurance:

Matt's time in the military and how it shaped him to become an entrepreneur. How you can tell if someone has an entrepreneurial gene. How he developed his leadership skills and his tips for those who want to do the same. Why he decided to combine drone tech and insurance. How you can look for ways to improve an established system. What drones can do to make insurance inspection easier and faster. Locations where drones can't be utilized or operated. Why he advocates for personality tests when it comes to working relationships. The drones and other technologies he finds impressive today.


Key Takeaways:

Shifting your environment can precipitate change in your life. If you're going to lead, you have to learn how to follow first. We don't do enough to leverage the amazing technology we have in our hands.


Connect with Matt Daniels:

Unity Group Ventures LinkedIn Facebook


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