SOIEP47 Exploring The Securities & Insurance Licensing Association (SILA)

Diana Capes is the Executive Director of the  Securities & Insurance Licensing Association (SILA). Established in 1990, SILA is an organization that serves to bring licensing experts together whose careers are geared towards all aspects of securities registration and insurance licensing. Diana has over 36 years’ experience in the insurance industry and is responsible for helping the company achieve their goals through various perspectives and ideas she has accumulated over the years.

In this episode, Diana shares SILA’s backstory, why it was founded, and what it was before it was named SILA. She describes the various projects SILA has for members, the benefits that await them, and explains how their company helps individuals grow in the insurance licensing industry. She also shares her thoughts on the current state of the industry and what it means for those who may want to be an agent in the near future.

“Jobs, training, and career advancements are only good if they offer those types of excitement for the younger generation coming onboard.” – Diana Capes

Today on Spot On Insurance: 

 How did SILA start?

The benefits of joining SILA. How does SILA connect people professionally in the industry? What kind of certifications and designations can you look forward to attaining? How does SILA attract younger people? How do you reap the benefits of being a SILA member?

Key Takeaway:

We should strive to grow the young individual not just with information, but experience within the insurance industry. Both young and old agents should always strive to grow with the industry they’re in.

Connect with Diana Capes

SILA Email: [email protected] Phone: (800) 428-8329

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