Apple Podcasts Rate and Review for Spot On Insurance

Jeff Harris is a Co-Founder and the President of Appulate, an insurtech company that promotes digital insurance distribution between carriers and their retail partners. Currently, over 80,000 agency locations use Appulate for renewals and applications. Jeff helped create Appulate when he realized automation was becoming a need more than a want in insurance. He also has extensive expertise in all things insurance, digital distribution, staff augmentation, and recruitment.

Jeff joins us to discuss what Appulate is, its services, and how it streamlines the agent experience. He describes where his entrepreneurial passion started and what inspired him to start Appulate. He explains how the pandemic affected their business, how they continued to work with clients, and the changes they have made since the pandemic. He shares the future of independent agents and how they threaten established agencies. Jeff also describes some of the silver linings of the pandemic, particularly on appreciating Mother Nature.

"The good parts of the agency management system are those that allow an agency to manage their book of business." - Jeff Harris

Today on Spot On Insurance:

How supportive Jeff's family was of his entrepreneur dreams How Jeff was introduced to the insurance industry Is it easier to be an entrepreneur in insurance today? The problems most agency management systems have How Appulate improves the agent experience The time-saving benefit of using their system How the pandemic impacted Jeff's team and how they continued working with clients Bootstrapping as an entrepreneur and its advantages during a down-turn The future of agencies and insurance entrepreneurship How the gig economy will pressure the insurance industry How the pandemic benefited people from a lifestyle perspective

Key Takeaways:

Today's industry is more complex, especially with how fast technology changes. The insurance industry has aged tremendously and it's looking for younger workers.

Connect with Jeff Harris:

Appulate Jeff Harris on LinkedIn Email: [email protected]

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