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Tim Christ is the Senior Executive Account Manager at Express Information Systems, a company that helps clients turn data into usable information. The company specializes in improving business technology systems as well as financial consulting. With over 20 years’ experience in executive leadership and consultative sales, Tim is capable of being any business owner’s top problem solver. He is also the author of the book, Becoming a World-Class Expert, where he shares some of his most interesting stories and experiences as a forensic engineer.

Tim joins us to share what it’s like to have a career in forensic engineering and some of the lessons he’s learned in this field. He describes what made him pursue forensic engineering and how he got into the insurance industry. He discusses what their company does for clients and how they can help a company make better financial decisions. Tim also explains what readers can expect from his book and shares a few tips that business owners can use to reduce financial mishaps.

"As business owners, we only have so many of those million-dollar mistakes we can afford to make before they're unrecoverable." - Tim Christ

Today on Spot On Insurance:

How Tim first heard of the Spot On Insurance podcast. What it was like for Tim to grow up with a family of farmers in Texas. Why Tim pursued a career in forensic engineering. What a forensic engineer does and how Tim feels about this kind of job. The interesting story of an insurance claim he experienced in Mexico.  Why he is inspired to help Latin America's insurance industry. How Express Information Systems helps clients scale an organization's accounting and business software. What Tim's book is about and what readers can expect from it. Tips for business owners who want to reduce financial mistakes.

Key Takeaways:

No matter how clean a claim looks, there’s always a possibility for fraud. Financial mistakes, no matter how small, can lead to millions of dollars in losses.

Connect with Tim Christ:

Express Information Systems Email: [email protected] Phone: (210) 632-24571 LinkedIn Becoming a World-Class Expert: The Business of Forensic Engineering

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