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Christie Simpson is the President and CEO of Zion Risk Solutions, a company that focuses on mitigating employee health risks by providing programs that assist employees to live a healthy lifestyle. They put emphasis on the idea of “well care,” and how establishing a healthy lifestyle can lower a company’s spending on preventable health problems. Christie has been in the insurance and healthcare industries for over 20 years, much of it as part of the workers’ compensation sector. Before founding Zion Risk Solutions, Christie worked full-time as an insurance adjuster.

Christie joins us to share how Zion Risk Solutions can help improve employee wellness that can translate to savings for the employer. She discusses the reasons behind her starting the company and how her mother inspired her. She explains the programs they offer and how the companies benefit from them. Christie also describes the positive changes their programs can provide to employees outside of work.

“You can't force anyone on wanting a better life for themselves. They have to want to get better.” - Christie Simpson

Today on Spot On Insurance:

How Christie's mother influenced the way she cared for employees. The idea behind the creation of Zion Risk Solutions. Christie's work experience and what she realized when she quit adjusting. How Zion works and the programs they use. What they learned from the clients they served. The effects of processed food on an individual's health. How their programs help customize a person's fitness needs. The benefits of utilizing their employee wellness services.

Key Takeaways:

You can’t pour from an empty cup. You can’t continue on giving to others if you don’t give some to yourself first. We have to relook at how we’re helping ourselves as a business. Employers can improve work productivity if they pay attention to the wellness of their employees.

Connect with Christie Simpson:

Zion Risk Solutions I Stand podcast

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