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Seth Preus is the Founder of Mivation, a software company that provides productivity solutions through gamification, competition, and achievements. He drew inspiration from his time as a 19-year old vacuum cleaner seller, where he became obsessed with sales productivity and self-motivation. His system uses the “3 M’s” approach - Mastery, Motivation, and Momentum - which he says unlocks the formula for an increase in overall team performance. Before Mivation, Seth founded RacingSnail, a productivity and compensation tool with an insurance focus. 

Seth joins us to share how gamification allows team members to unlock their full potential. He shares his journey, his experience in sales, and the motivation that led him to start RacingSnail and Mivation. He describes the triggers that can boost performance and the do’s and don'ts when it comes to motivating a team member. Seth also explains the difference between extrinsic and intrinsic motivations and what companies can do to bring out the best of their employees beyond benefits and salary.

“I don't believe you're going to have long-term success if you're constantly using the stick to get people to perform.” - Seth Preus

Today on Spot On Insurance:

Seth's upbringing as the son of a Lutheran priest. Seth's educational background and what he wanted to be when he grew up. The motivation behind his companies, RacingSnail and Mivation. Motivational triggers Seth uses to improve staff performance. How their system works and the data they track. His experience in being fired and why he wasn’t upset. What not to do when trying to motivate staff. Gamification, millennials, and how Seth works with them. The difference between extrinsic and intrinsic motivation. The opportunities of the insurance industry in gamification and other technologies.

Key Takeaways:

Gamification makes millennials feel more comfortable. No matter how good your training program is, some could just be in the wrong job.

Connect with Seth Preus:

Mivation RacingSnail LinkedIn

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