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Kevin May is the Founder of Amali Solutions Group (ASG), a platform that seeks to cut through the tedious processes involved in subrogation. They developed SubroPro, a subrogation solutions program that systematizes more than 70%  of inbound recovery payments. Kevin has over 30 years of experience in the insurance industry and has previously held two CEO positions at two other subrogation claims companies before founding ASG.

Today, Kevin joins us to discuss what Amali Solutions Group is all about and how they plan to solve the problem of slow claims processing. He shares how he got started in insurance, why he never left, and his motivation in starting ASG. He describes a typical subrogation claim, the tedious manual processes involved, and the areas they want to speed up. Kevin also explains how SubroPro works and the type of data it gathers that the industry can utilize.

“Be flexible; work hard. When you're discouraged, go take a walk and then come back and go at it again.” - Kevin May

Today on Spot On Insurance:

How Kevin got started in the insurance industry. Why he decided to start Amali and what the name represents. What subrogation is and why people should care about it. An example of a typical subrogation claim and how clients can benefit from it. How subrogation has changed over the last two decades. The challenges their company is facing to help this specific industry. What SubroPro is and how it works when processing claims. Data rights, monetization, and who can have access to information. His thoughts on blockchain technology and their plans to utilize it.

Key Takeaways:

We no longer communicate by picking up the phone and making a call. Companies need to adjust to that trend. It's not really an issue of the check itself; it's all the work that has to go around to apply dollars to each of those indemnities.

Connect with Kevin May:

Amali Solutions Group Email: [email protected] Phone: (309) 830 4907

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