"Fitness is not all lululemon and being a thin yoga model" ~ Allison Tenney


After her own personal white woman wake up call after her first Ignited Womxn Summit event, Allison Tenney dove into the white privilege and started listening to the stories from women of color. 


Allison founded Ignited Womxn Summit, an annual wellness and leadership event that creates a space for learning through an inclusive lens. Allison is here to share her story and news on her truly transformative summit.  She is an advocate for removing barriers surrounding health, strength, and finding your own voice.


Here you learn: 

How to get out of the comparison trap Go from power through to honor your body within workouts  Learning new skills of exercises  All things Kettlebell  How to train your emotions along with your workouts  Mind Body Connection and Weight Lifting for women  How to shake off the "should have"  Goals and habits are created all year round and evolving  Human and animal kingdom connection 


Ignited Womxn Summit: http://ignitedwomxnsummit.com/

Website (re-launch in early 2019): https://allisontenneyfitness.com/

IG: @allisontenney


For more inspiration check out Anna Willard's book Spark Your Youth: A 21-Day Fitspirational to give you hope and the power to believe.



Thank you for joining! Anna Willard is excited to take this journey with you! If you enjoyed what you heard, subscribe to receive future episodes and share your love with a great review and 5 Stars.


To train with Anna Willard with Kettlebells head to www.annawillard.com

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