Enjoy this Short Episode with your host Anna Willard as she guides you to the beauty of brokenness. 

You will learn three important steps to let go of anything that does not server your full health. 

Say it out load Cry it out Become Open 

Empower yourself to your true health by letting go. Letting go could be from gossip, to coffee, to toxic relationships. 

Allow the brokenness of trauma to cleanse our mind, body and soul through painful tears giving us a fresh perspective to a deep divine connection ~ Anna Willard 

For more inspiration check out her book Spark Your Youth: A 21-Day Fitspirational to give you hope and the power to believe. 



Thank you for joining! Anna Willard is excited to take this journey with you! If you enjoyed what you heard, subscribe to receive future episodes and share your love with a great review and 5 Stars.


To train with Anna Willard with Kettlebells head to www.annawillard.com