What are etheric cords? We all have etheric cords. We are even born with them. Etheric cords (sometimes referred to as ethereal cords, energy cords, and ribbons) are energy structures that connect to your energy bodies (aura, chakras, etc.). They extend out of you and connect with other people, places, animals and even objects. 

How do etheric cords work? When you connect with someone by interacting with them or even by think or talking about someone, you will create an etheric cord with them. An energetic cord will extend out of you and connect with that person. Energy flows in both directions. 

As relationships deepen, etheric cords strengthen. 

The term “cord” can describe a small rope or string. “Umbilical Cords” are between a mother and baby. A “connection” between two bodies. After birth, the umbilical cord is cut. But an emotional etheric cord remains connected. Mother and baby are connected energetically.

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