In this episode of the Spiritual Entrepreneur, we talk about how to recognize signs from the Divine. There are different ways that we receive signs. They can be something that we ask consciously for, or they can actually be the guidance that is moving for us through us, around us all of the time.

What you will learn in this episode:

How you receive signs in your life How those signs appear in your life How to get an answer from the Universe with a question How to know if “it’s” a sign from the Divine

A sneak peek at the episode:

[01:48] “How do you receive signs in your life? What is it that gives you the awareness that you're receiving a message from the Divine? ”
[04:15] “So another thing that's a great sign for me are repeated messages from people.”
[05:26] “So trust your intuition when they come in, the signs like that for you, that you're being guided.”

If you have been really feeling called to having a community and working with some other like-minded like-hearted spiritual entrepreneurs, as well as receiving some guidance from me, inside of a community type of environment, we are going to be launching the spiritual entrepreneur's playground coming up very soon and I would LOVE to have you join us.

If you are interested please join us at to be the first to know when the doors to our Spiritual Entrepreneurs Playground open.

To get weekly updates and the latest episodes, follow me on Instagram @deviadea.